09.00 uur - 18.00 uur
  • Gratis: €0

Jeroen van den Bogaert collects, dissects, and reorganises visual depictions of behavioural patterns in historical and contemporary culture.

The bridge between these different eras is established by juxtaposing both. The employed modern imagery can be recognised by an internet-like rapidity and arbitrariness, whereas their historical equivalents often radiate a sense of long-time precision and craftsmanship.

The mixture of these images originating from different times is predominantly interwoven in the form of tapestry works. These textile objects embody the merging between past and present by demonstrating how a classic medium can nowadays be constructed in a modern, computer-controlled process. The contrasts and similarities in the convergence of these images, on such a classic carrier create a ubiquitous yet surprising sensation.

In doing so, van den Bogaert questions whether our world is remaining stuck in the same paradigm despite major societal shifts.


De expo is vrij te bezichtigen van maandag tot vrijdag van 9u tot 18u, behalve op feestdagen. De expo is niet toegankelijk als er een evenement in de zaal doorgaat. Om zeker te zijn kun je altijd bellen naar +32 (0)3 727 10 30.